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Saturday was absolutely beautiful and the fall colors at our elevation are brilliant. We thought we would just share some scenes of the fall colors today from our hikes near the house. Click on any picture to bigefy.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
We’ve lost most of the reds, and are now into the golds and oranges (the aspens are turning, as well as some of the last of the scrub oaks). Which means Mom better put down the fall fertilizer before the leaves COMPLETELY cover the yard and she has to rake them all up! Happy fall!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
So beautiful there. We love fall but this year the leaves haven’t seemed to change colors as much here in Ohio.
Wow! You do live on top of the world! Your colors are stunning. I thought we’d see a lot more color on our drive, but so far, not too much. I hope it’s still waiting for us back home!
Beautiful pics:-) Love Rusty showing us all how to relax!!!
Licks & Nibbls,
Kody & Nia
Time after time. Year after year. It always amazes me. Great photographs.
How beautiful!
Very pretty! Those colours are just lovely.
Such a spectacular, brilliant view. Loving those fall colors!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
The fall pix are cool but the Rusty one is the best
nature paints the prettiest canvas in the fall.
beautiful photos!
wow, some very pretty & vibrant Fall pictures. One thing I noticed is you can really see Fall colors with the trees from the East coast then with the trees from the West coast.
Big difference. West coast has more rain in the Fall and makes all the maples leaves wet and soaggy.
So pretty! I miss that we don’t have real fall colors in our trees.
Wow – we are in awe of all that beauty. Nothing anywhere close to that in color here. Rusty, you look like you had one marvelous hike.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Only one thing to say, you live in some of the most beautiful of God’s creation. We love the photos.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful…
Those are gorgeous pix!!! Of course, we like the one of Rusty best!!!
Play bows,
hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada sez he misses those fall colors bak eest owt but i dont no why he sez that we hav red and yellow and orandj fall colors heer in sandy eggo too!!! of korse heer the colors come frum wildfires but stil we hav them!!! ok bye
Such perfect autumn colors! Our colors weren’t nearly so good as usual and then we had day after day of high winds, so most of the leaves are on the ground waiting for people with rakes to show up! Even my Amur maple in the front yard is pitiful looking. Today is rain, maybe tomorrow for raking!
Jo and Stella
Absolutely gorgeous… I love fall colors!
Wonderful Fall photos! The colors are so vibrant and simply beautiful!
Rusty’s napping shot is adorable too!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie (Tabby, too)
Thanks for the tour. We won’t get fall colors for another month or so.
I love the reds in your fall colors. Since moving from the east, that’s something that I miss here where gold dominates.
Rusty matches the reds!
Just gorgeous! Isn’t it great to nap in the fall? Here its not a pretty fall this year, leaves are just turning brown & falling off. We haven’t seen a single red leaf. Thanks so much for sharing your pics!
jack & moo