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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
That is so gorgeous! Your mountains are AWESOME!!!
Play bows,
Nice! Happy weekend everyone!
Now that’s a Friday photo to smile about! I am hoping we get a break from the heat in time to get out and do some hiking of our own later this weekend. Enjoy the long weekend!
That is so pretty. 🙂
Which one of you talented pups took that stunning photo? Have a great weekend.
Is this one of those trick photos? If you stare at it long enough the Herd appears.
Remy and Flash
What a beautiful photo!
Beautiful photo.
(I allowed Gail to look at this post, ‘cos there are no huskies in it. I have to admit I feel a bit insecure about huskies ‘cos whenever we see a Sibe or Malamute in the park, Gail says “look Bertie, that’s my next dog”.)
Toodle pip!
And from another Gail, your Gail couldn’t ask for a better choice. Sibes rule!