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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
OK, we’ll be back.
My momma always tells me, “Rest now so you can move mountains later!” Glad to see you taking her advice seriously.
Don’t work too hard Tartok!
Hey, its hard work holding the floor down!
Hmmm, seems a little testy to me. Out late maybe?
Obviously in the coiled spring position ready for instant guard duty.
Busy napping
We’ve tried that line many times too, Tartok, never seems to work.
Happy snoozing.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Is he a real husky? are you guys SURE?
Making sure that floor doesn’t move is hard work! Stay on top of it Tartok!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
Understood, send up smoke signals when you are ready.
That’s the best kind of busy.
Can the Five come join you? They will all be very quiet and snuggly!
I just want to take a little blanket and tuck him in! Enjoy your nap, Tartok!