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We go walking every evening, but there is something special about Friday evenings. The humans are relaxing after a long week of work and we are all preparing for a couple of days of hanging out together and just enjoying the time. So our Friday evening walk is relaxed and quiet.
With the ski resort closed, the only people we see are year round residents. We all know each other and so our passing is hardly eventful.
And with all of the rain from the past week and a couple of light snows, our creeks are running full. Nothing like the sound of a rushing creek.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
You are so right.
Everything goes more relaxed on fridays!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs
I vote fur Team Floof!
That looks like a creek just waiting for Sage!!
Ah, your post relaxed me… You have very handsome neighbors.
Almost time to go fishing. WOO HOOO!
Do you dogs know how to fish?
Hi Guys,
Friday evening walks are the best – though our Friday evening walk is actually on a Thursday, our Humans weekend is Friday and Saturday 🙂
The photo’s are great, its cool to see the creek with bits, of ice and snow on it.
Licks and lots of slobber,
Lexi and Jasper the Danes
Nothing like a good Friday evening to set you up for a great weekend!!
take care
Clive and Murray
How is it Rusty is in front and not ‘assuming the position?’
Also those are some good looking neighbors.
Bobo and Meja
Aren’t Friday night routines the best? Our Friday night routine often involved pizza bones, but we’re not supposed to tell you about that! Have any of you ever tried fishing?
Very enjoyable looking @ your photos! Always like seeing the dogs & the scenery!
Does the creek creak? Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
mmm fish
I remember those Friday walks. It’s like every step you take leaves some of the tension of the work week behind. And each step forward brings you closer to that which you love.
Enjoy the weekend!
Happy tails!
Stumpy and her bean
I guess the sound of the creek must be very soothing!
Get ready for have fishing activities!
How pretty!