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Yes, it is a beautiful weekend and we chose to take the RV out. Last time we did this, we challenged everyone to guess where we were going (that was the beach). This time, the where is simple – Lake Hartwell South Carolina State Park. It is the who that is the big question.
Here is the hint. In the very next campsite is a brand new RV with some very special guests accompanying us for the weekend. Depending on how the guesses are going, we might drop additional hints during the day on our Facebook page, but we will reveal the answer on Sunday’s post.
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Our friends Jack and Moo have declared today as Show Us Your Treat Jar Day. We fully expect each of you to show us fancy treat jars with really cool treats. Ready for ours? Here you go.
No, there is no problem. No broken link. No failed picture. You see, we do not have a treat jar. Nada. None. We have bully sticks, but they stay in the zip lock bags inside the cardboard box that they are shipped to us in. Other than that, we have our food. No treats. Now you know the entire truth about exactly how deprived we are. Oh, sure, the hu-dad may treat us with nuggets of the very food we eat for dinner, but even if it might be lamb or duck or chicken or anchovy (and boy can we behave for the anchovy), it is still the same food we eat for dinner, so that doesn’t really count as a treat, does it? Can someone NOW report our humans for canine abuse?
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A Kibble Jar
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
I would feel sorry for you but am havin flashback of all the wonderful fings you do and see and experience and also… the REAL BERRIES!!!
So now I’m just jealous! Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
No treat jar???
Well…. you definitely are in serious trouble!
I would definitely think about doing a revolution!!!
PS: you do not really look so sad 😉
Ciao Lucille
I thought I was the only one without a treat jar!!
I guess that Tartok and Ruby are coming with you!
I will call the ASPCA for you. Abuse like that should not be tolerated.
Yay for RV trips!!!! Have no idea about the mystery guest, but sounds fun 🙂
I’m having a delicious bully stick now….mmmmmmm! No treat jar either… Oh well.
Hope to see pix from your Lake Hartwell trip!!! Sounds great!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Here I was so jealous of you pups with your S-RV and cool hikes. But not any more. You are living in squaller. No treat jar?!? That is just a disgrace and your dad should be ashamed of himself.
We guess Ruby and Tartok are next door in the new RV.
No treats? Oh the humanity
Tartok and Ruby??
especially with the hint about 8 Sibs instead of 6
We think the special guests are Ruby & Tartok!! On to more serious business..NO treat jars…OMG..we have 2 treat jars…pack your bags & come on down we will share our treats (wait did I say share..hehehe)!! We are going to go give our Hu-mom a big kiss right now!!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
If the surprise mystery guests are furry, I guess Ruby, Tartok and the hu-grandma. If two-legged, my guess is Super Nephew and the hu-aunt.
Oh..the abuse. No treats? AHHHHH
I’m not sure that I have any good “who” guesses since I’m still a newbie, but since it’s Halloween I’ll say “The Great Pumpkin.” At any rate, I hope you all have a safe and fun-filled trip! I’ll be watching to see how everything goes.
We have to go along with the rest and guess Tartok and Ruby. No Facebook here, so no more clues for us:( We are sure we will read all about it here.
Happy Halloween.
HowlWoos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I’m trying to think of which blogging buddies live near you… I know that Mountain Musings is nearby but I don’t think that they have an RV. I’m stumped…
Actually, our dogs are equally deprived. We use pieces of kibble as treats… You might tell the Herd that they are not alone in their deprivation.
Sam is horrified to learn that some dogs don’t have treat jars… LOL! For two very spoiled Goldens, this is inconceivable!
Well, The Herd Annex seems like a strong possibility, but perhaps too obvious! I might have to wait for clues.
No treat jar?! I think Bunny fainted right off the couch at the very thought! That is just so wrong! I think our hearts just broke for you!
I wonder if there will be pictures of Sibes leaping off rocks now to further challenge R…
…and fur all this time I thought the Hu-dad was a nice guy…
Another myth busted 😉
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
PeeEssWoo: We vote Khousin T and R too!
HaRoooo Herd!
I kan’t bewieve your paw does not give woo biscuits!!! I feel so bad fur wooo! But dem bully sticks sounds yummy. Will have to get maw to git us sum.
Can’t guess who your special furiends are. It’s on da tip of my tongue but kan’t git it off.
Have a fun weekend!
Husky kisses,
I think it’s Ruby and Tartok too. And Mom says I get way too many treats and pizza crusts as it is! I don’t know what she means by this.
Don’t feel bad, we don’t have a treat jar either. Ourtreats are in zip lock baggies and in the frig. Hu-mom makes most of our treats and they hae to stay in the frig. Eveny now and then we do get store bought goodies! But we do get Bully Sticks sometimes, too!
Happy HalloweeN!
Me! woo’s coming to pick up me for your last RV trip!! hey, i can bring a whole lotta treats too.
just sayin.
holy CRAP! NOOOOO Treat jar? WTF? I mean, WTF??????
I mean seriously, even HUMANS have treat jars (i have my box of chocolate)… abuse isn’t a word for this abomination.
Are you camping with Ruby and Tartok?
Oh, and I think we need to call the SPCA on your humans for a) not having treats for you, and b) not having a treat jar to put them in! That is an absolute crime!!!
Do I need to come and squish them for you?