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You see, many of you noticed the object in our human’s hand in a picture posted yesterday. Yes, that bag contained what you thought:
Our hu-dad went out to purchase a product Sunday to deal with this. No, not because he is embarrassed to be carrying around a bag of poo. For those of you who follow us on Facebook, you know he wears camouflage socks with sandals and shorts, so a bag of poo is the least of his fashion faux pas (or is that, poo pas?). No, he wants his hands free so that he can take more pictures of us. Admirable goal. So now we introduce our brand new product:
We found ours for only $8.99 at Wal-Mart, and tested it just this afternoon. Uh – yes, we still use the blue bags, but the blue bags go inside the Portable Poo Poo Pack for easier carrying. This is particular important when 8 bags get filled (hey, some of us are double contributors).
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Excellent product recommendation! And so much more convenient than a wheelbarrow!
wif love from the Luke
Necessity truly is the mother of invention! When the occasion arises, we’re deft enough to juggle the results of two doubles, but would be at a total loss to encounter the extraordinarily rare, dreaded, but definitely possible, double triple.
Huh this is interesting. Mom’s all about being handsfree too but a poop backpack? Does it have a stay fresh liner? I guess you do what you gotta do for blogging
Sure he found a pawesome product!
And at a very good price!
Great review!
Kisses and hugs
Great thinking. We have a bag for poo as well but we never seem to remember to take it with us.
I’d never thought about the poo problem of having six big dogs! That must be a heavy backpack by the end of a hike 🙂
Gosh, I’d imagine you’d need a knapsck if the whole Herd all decide to poo at once!! 😉
Honey the Great Dane
Haha we also get those advertisers! I get 8 poo bags from 3 dogs sometimes
Ingenious! How does that work, fashionwise, with the socks and sandals?
Socks with sandals? Hu-dad, my mum is in despair.
Yes indeed, we say no to those advertisers as well!
That’s a lot of poo per walk!
take care
Clive and Murray
How fitting it khame from W******
PeeEssWoo: We also dekhline produkht testing here – although Mom says if an adult beverage producer writes us……..
I just bought a package of green poo bags on sale. After using them a couple times, I thought I was being reckless, since I kept managing to get poo on my hands–but now I see that ALL of the bags have a small rip in them. Hope your backpack is washable, in case you get a roll like mine!
Matt has the right idea, maybe you could invent poo bag hand warmers for winter!
My Mom hates carrying that bag around and Now she has threatened me with a doggy back pack where I can carry my own poo around. I am too finicky to even think of something like that. Whats that you say, Mom? Poo on one side of the back pack and treatz on the other? That might be something to think about!
In the meantime, fill up that bag, Herd!
Hmm. The thought of carrying stinky poo in a backpack disturbs me. What if somehow the bag popped? ewwww.
Ive tried to tie the bad to Darwin (which she wasnt a huge fan of) or tying the bag to the leash…
I like how it has the three smaller pawkets on the front fur smaller size poos. Coz you knows, sometimes the dubbull contribushuns are not as big the sekond time around.
You know, I’m actually surprised at the size of the blue poo bag. I thought you big sibes would poop something epic! But it’s almost the same size as mine…
Looks like a good idea… which of you will be carrying it? Lol
You are on the right track. Only one more product you will need to add. For long walks and camping trips you can get wheels for your back pack.
Mogley G. Retriever
That’s great! and in the winter the “warmth” in the pack will keep your back warm too. It’s a win, win for all involved. Mr. Taleteller.
Oh God! I was waiting for the big reveal of this amazing product, and then I got to the punch line! If you need a backpack for it all, I feel sorry for you! The funniest part is that hubby and I just had a conversation about this particular issue over the weekend. Off to wipe away my tears of mirth!
You’re lucky the hu-dad through of a backpack. I’ve heard of some folks tying poop bags to the pup who filled them. That would definitely not be fashionable!
Well, we might have to try that. I’ve never liked carrying the poo bags. If we are in the neighborhood, I leave them on the curb and come back after the walk with the car. I know we’ve gone to certain places where one or the other is stuck holding the bag!
I think Ma will agree with you there, although we did find some black poopoo bags which include a small minor piece of anonymousnous for the lovely Ma.
I wonder if she too will follow your smart dad and get a poopoo pack, altho my yeild is much smaller than the Herds…
Well, if the HERD endorses it…
You can never have too much poo storage.