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As a side note to these pictures, Miss Ruby is quite pleased to announce that there was an attempted counter surfing incident and she was NOT involved. Shrimp-ka-bobs were being made and a red headed Sibe was being closely monitored. But Mr. Goody Four Paws, Tartok himself, was overcome with the smells and was caught licking the end of a ka-bob. Ruby would also like to point out that if it had been her, there would have been no licking – just grand theft shrimp and gone.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Ha! He got caught red handed
Don’t forget, we moved to
Just a lick? That’s ok, I probably would have done the same thing. 🙂
Tartok, dear, you’re a piker. Leave counter-surfing to the professionals.
Licking? Or merely taste-testing to insure that everything was perfectly seasoned and ready for the grill? Just helping the chef!
Ruby knows the right technique!
Kisses and hugs
Ok, so glazed shrimp kabobs. Sounds ok. From here. 😉
‘Grand theft shrimp’…. Hmm. I wonder how many years in a crate you get for that… 😉
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy
Look at how good you guys are!
EEK…those things scare me after I read that story about the dog that had one in its stomach for awhile.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – it’s the quiet ones you have to watch!
Yay, they work! BOL
I have a feeling my comment got lost in cyberspace. Well, it was all good stuff, so . . . I’m spreading it, I guess! Ugh
I’ve missed you and wanted to make sure you’re still “good children”. Phew, you are! You are also the fabulous pack I remembered, taking your humans for walks to destressify them! Way to go, beloved herd 🙂
Shrimp??? Did you really say shrimp???? And just licking???? Tartok really needs to take lessons from Ruby.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I’m not sure we should believe that attempted counter surfing. Is there any photographic evidence?
After all, these pups look way too good to try anything so wicked!
Grand Theft and Gone!
Smart dogs! I agree, they’re so well behaved!
Mmmmmmmm Yummies! Great sit and downs!! Mom makes me do a ton of those when she remembers 🙂
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
What a funny pair! I bet that Ruby wouldn’t have just sampled but would have “gone for it”. We have a similarly different pair in my house so I’m laughing!
Gingers are good after all!
And Tartok shouldn’t feel bad. I’m sure we would all have gone for a quick lick.
4 paws up fur effort, Miss Ruby. Should be worth an extra treat, like say, a shrimp of your own.
jack a-roo & miss moo
Wooos! I will sit nicely fur treats too, but counter surfing, one swipe and its gone, with no evidence remaining.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Ruby knows how to do it right…leave no evidence!!!!
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
That’s why we love ya, Ruby! You do it right or you don’t do it! Maybe you can give Tartok some remedial lessons in stealth and theft!
woo mean licking the bean’s foodies is not okay? come on! no fun!
I see Tartok has been taking career advice from a criminal.
It is so hard to resist, isn’t it Mr Tartok?
Two very well behaved dogs there – we wont believe anything you write about these perfect dogs unless you have photographic evidence!
Just look how very nicely they are both sitting in those pics!
Martha and Bailey xxx
See! Us redheads can behave – when we want to ;p