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Last week, we showed you how Ruby was staying away from the table during dinner. And that was absolutely true again this week. Well, until the humans kept sitting around the dinner table long after they had finished eating. They just sat there and talked and talked. You see, our hu-aunt (hu-dad’s sister) had come up for the weekend and was staying with our hu-grandmom, so the hu-dad went over there, of course, and they were enjoying catching up. Apparently, the talking went well beyond the normal restraint time for certain Siberians. The first sign of this was when the hu-dad looked across the table and saw the sight in the first picture below:
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
So your hu-aunt is to be blamed for this horrific treatment? Hhmm, I see. Let us not forget, dearest Ruby, that you treated me to a full on pouncing husky assault at 3am the morning before. I owed you you little devil!
LOL! Those facial expression look very familiar!
That’s kinda how my the Mom’s eyes looked when I scrolled down and she saw the pulled pork.
Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
P.S. I know those chatty dinners, and I fink remarkable restraint was shown! After all, it was just a look… and not a bump and run. Just sayin.
LOL Boomer has all of those looks too…and then the big sigh comes when no food hits his lips! 🙂
You know, a husky can only be patient for so long before its obvious she needs to rely on her own wileyness to get what she wants….
Miss Moo
That first pic is absolutely priceless. I think every dog learns “those eyes” in puppy school. 😉
Ha! HA! You guys sure know how to “work” the table! 😀 I can pull that kind of “poor abused starving dog” face really well too – and in my case, I’m tall enough to put my chin on the table and look REALLY deprived! 😛
Honey the Great Dane
Oh Ruby! I can’t believe that after such good behavior you didn’t get any leftovers!!! That is so WRONG!
Not fair, right?
Kisses and hugs
Oh my dawg. calling the humane society. those dogs should get something! they’re STARVING for cry-in’ out loud! i can see their bones through all that meat on them. well, i’d bet i could feel them. poor things.
Oh be fair, you know one of them will have to go off the reservation if you test them for that long! 🙂
I think they were just making sure you hadn’t forgotten about them!
Don’t forget, we’ve moved to
You mean to tell me you Ruby and Tartok didn’t get any pork? What kind of torture house do they live in?
Pulled pork! They didn’t offer you ANY pulled pork? I would have PULLED up a chair and joined them at the table!
Pulled pork?!? Pulled pork?!?!?!
How could they not share with you guys with those cute eyes????
Ha – we have the same timetable (no pun intended) at our place. We give the humans just so long to get up from that table and then it is a free for all – we love to get some of the yummy leftovers.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Khyra is absolutly right. Ruby is trying to play by the rules …. what’s a poor Husky supposed to do?
Surfs Up Ruby
Remy and Flash
Wooo the humans just dont get it, feeling for you guys.
And they wonder why woo take matters into your own paws!
So cute! Cabana does the same thing, but I don’t consider her to be begging. She comes and sniffs at the dinner table for a minute, then leaves us to our meal. I consider it her way of curiously asking, “What are you guys having for dinner tonight?”
Torture…Torture…Torture is all we can say.
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
That is so rong that the hoomans not share the noms when Ruby asked so nicely. I do think it warrants a komplaint to be filed wif PETA.
Oh the torture!!! Pulled pork is especially yummy. Did you really not even get a tiny taste??
Poor Ruby! You deserved a tasty morsel for all that hard work resisting the urge to jump up there and run off with a whole plate!
Oh, Ruby, I would not have been able to resist that face! I am sorry that you are forced to live in those conditions!
But, where is the video?
That first picture is priceless!
Wooos! Poor Ruby, somehow a toast would have only been good it there was butter on it. I hope woo all got to lick out the bowls!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
That chair looks pretty comfy. Maybe you will get some leftovers!
Your pal, Pip
I will have to post a picture of Sam begging. He has it down to an artform. The more he hears forks clattering on plates the more he turns on the charm!
Sam’s Mom
Wow everything looks soo yummy! Such an ordeal…
Oh poor dogs! they must have been so disappointed!