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We are often asked about the “order” in the house. Queen Natasha the Evil is clearly the alpha female and ruler of the roost, but most people are stunned to find out that Rusty the Rooster is the alpha male. Not that that really matters, since Queen Natasha lets him know what few decisions he is allowed to make, but the boys do pay attention to him. So any guess who the Omega dog is?
When we came back from our hike through the ranch, the dogs were all lining up for water from their bucket (Cheoah, for the record, went straight into her crate, so she is not shown in these pictures). We give you the order:
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
How interesting! As someone with an “only dog” household, it is always fascinating to read about pack dynamics! 🙂
Awww … poor “some other pup”! I think he deserves a cookie just for that!!! Of course, in secret 😉
Hi Qannik. The internet wouldn’t let me leave a comment yesterday, so I just waited. I’m good at waiting. I think you and I have a lot in common.
Saving the best for last, right?
He needs his own bucket! Poor guy 🙁
Emma Rose
I think that a lot of people are surprised to hear that Baily is the alpha at our house
Poor Qannik. It’s tough being bottom of the pile.
maybe Qannik just likes the taste of water flavored by the rest of the Herd:) Bet you know who gets to drink first here.
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Maybe he furgot he was thirsty?
Wow. Um. That’s a lot of doggies. Poor guy – but I guess SOMEONE has to be at the end of the line. Besides, as the saying goes, “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Or something….
*kissey face*
Patience is a virture. right Snowflake?
Admirable patience!
Don’t worry, Qannik, waiting builds character …
Awww poor Qannik!! Guess we know who the most patient pupper is. 😉
Qannik, you need to tell you Hu-dad that ya need 3 water pails so everybody & can drink at the same time & nobody is dying of thirst.
Licks & Nibbles,
Kody & Nia
Woooos Pack! While I bow to the queen( from one to another), I think woo need more water bowls! Mine is always empty, the only time I bark is at an empty water pail!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Aww, Quannik, I’d have given you your own bowl! Poor guy!
The song leader of the pack popped in my head. My sister Starr is the alpha of our pack.