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The hu-dad is trying to make all sorts of excuses. Just been a rough few days. Let us list the ways –
1) Some work project “blew up” and the hu-dad had to dive into it and fix things. We wonder if that is like the stuffy blow up that we saw over on Life with Dogs? Our hu-dad can fix a lot of things, as long as duct tape is involved. Something about we give him lots of practice, whatever that means.
2) Our web server had some problems and lots of you could not get in to our website Sunday or Monday. It kind of came and went, sort of like Kodiak through the dog door trying to decide if he should nap inside or outside. Trust us, that is a lot of coming and going.
3) For some reason, that means the hu-dad got behind in checking up on all of our friends and that means he has eleventy-seven gazillion unread blogs in his Google Reader thingy. That is almost as many times as Cheoah complains about something in a given day.
Ok, fair enough, 8 pm is late for Tartok, so sometimes it is hard to tell if he goes to bed early, but trust us on this one. Because the worst is yet to come. Yep, everything else, we listened to the hu-dad complain and whine, but this was just horrific. Disgusting. Frightening.
It snowed all day Monday but most of it just melted away. I know, it should be a crime.
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
You guys look pretty chilled out for a pack with all those problems! Hee! Hee! Maybe it’s because us doggies always just leave all the worrying to the humans! 😛
Honey the Great Dane
Hold on.. i went to get a piece cheese to have with all that whine!
PS. I’m glad u made a visit to me in the meantime!
Definitely time to go back to bed.
Excuses excuses, the story of my life!
Useless Hu-Ma!
I know exactly how you feel
Did you know I’m all about being positive and optimistic? Well, if you didn’t you do now: Tomorrow will be a beautiful and happy day for all.
Our Ruby wants to send your Ruby some of her snow on this blizzardy Colorado Tuesday to cheer her up. We sure have enough to go around! 🙂
Im pretty sure most dads can fix anything with duct tape 🙂
Both of you sure look worn out and comfy!
Glad to see your site is okay again!
You are one terrific herd! We have as many beagles. On a nice day my mom just leaves the door open because we hear things she can’t hear and we go thundering out the back howling like banshees. I hope you get some more snow over there before sping hits for good.
love & wags,
Ok, good – I thought it was just me! I managed to get a comment in after a few page loads, but I knew something was up. I’m pretty sure your problem was somewhat bigger than our stuffie blow up. Despite the carnage, cleanup was easy. 🙂
Take your time. Real life does sometimes get in the way of this blogging addiction we all suffer/benefit from!
Wow, glad you got your site back up and working.
Those humans, always full of excuses. I support what Jack-a-Roo and Moo said above!
We wondered if you knew how flukey your site was on Sun/Mon. Glad its working again. Ruby, you surely have a comfy spot to wait out this string of mishaps. Here’s to a better week, longer lasting snow, and livergreat for all.
jack a-roo & moo too
Well, snow happens?
Oh…… RUBY! You look sooooo gorgeous in that last picture! And soooo comfy.
Our whole day blew up yesterday (well, not really literally, although Mom and I did see an explosion when we were out on an adventure!) so there’s a lot of “stuff” going around!
Play bows,
Yes! May Tuesday be a bettah day! And WE had server probs yesterday and also with a linxces (?) box that got hung up – major frustrations, but all smoother today. That is how we hope your Tuesday goes!
Big Hugs xo
It should be a crime… but that’s spring snow. Another foot forecasted for here over the next 24 hrs – so come visit us!
I hope that things settle down for your hu-dad. I sure hope that the calamities didn’t reach the magnitude of the duct-taped sofa 🙂 Believe it or not, we fixed an injury on one of our dog’s leg using duct tape recently. It was in a photo, but only our faithful vet tech reader (kks) noticed that R had duct tape on his leg!
Watch out, or your hu-dad just might start duct taping you!
We hope today brings that change in your luck. We wondered about your website because we had trouble getting in several times. But eventually we made it through – whew – we need our daily TH fix.
Woos – Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wooos, in out,, in out, in out,…sleep at 8 pm… thats what I read, and that sounds like me
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Oh No! We had trouble posting too, but it seemed to go through, just the formatting was off. We hope you guys, especially your Hu-dad have a change of luck real soon!
Tell your Hu-dad, no worries, our Monday stunk also! RAIN RAIN RAIN!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
I hope Tuesday is better for you and the Hu-Dad! Sometimes Mondays just suck!
Hey there everyone!
Yes I also had trouble getting in on Sunday.
These ‘hectic’ times happen to everyone. No need to apologise…we are always here…hope things feel better soon.
I’m sorry, but I just don’t GET this story. What ARE you talking about. Maybe its just too late.
Ah yes!
I had HERD about issues getting in ‘here’ – I snukhk in but from time to time, Ciara, Phantom, and Thunder had troubles –
As fur the blow ups AND the snow, Mom says something about get a Harp –
I’m not sure why she’d want you to have one of those green boxes like rode in my Xterra last week but I’ll trust her!