Tipping Point

Tipping point – the moment where a series of small actions become significant enough to cause a larger change. The phrase might just have a double meaning once we tell Cheoah’s story, but she certainly hit her tipping point yesterday.

innocent look

Cheesewhiz practicing her best innocent look.

Hu-dad was working diligently on a problem that required a great deal of concentration. His office mates, of course, were TPLO recovery patients Natasha – on Hu-dad’s left – and Cheoah – on the right. Despite the Hu-dad’s work efforts, Cheesewhiz decided it was time for her mid-day yard break.

little attention

A little attention here, Hu-dad.

Hu-dad mumbled acknowledgement, said he was working hard, and could she wait just a minute.

wait meaning

What does this “wait” word mean?

So Cheoah upped the volume. She is a master at the Siberian Death Scream, a most useful skill when wanting something in public. Unfortunately for Cheoah, there were no other humans within earshot – roughly a mile in all directions – so Hu-dad just looked at her and said, “Just a few more minutes and I will take you out.”

time to escalate

Time to escalate.

Cheoah got quiet, grumbled a little at Hu-dad, and then began planning her next attention seeking trick. But what possible recourse did she have while confined to a crate?

water bowl

Well, hello, water bowl.

Staring right at Hu-dad, Cheoah reached out with her paw, snagged the corner of the full water bowl, and flipped it upside down in her crate. Amazing how quickly the Hu-dad reacts to a flood.

roar and splash

I am Cheesewhiz. Hear me roar. Or splash. Something like that.

Cheoah got her mid-day break and a fresh, clean, dry blanket for her afternoon nap.


  1. Donna Wolfe on November 8, 2014 at 10:55 pm

    HuDad, you really need to pay closer attention to the important things in life ::shaking head::

  2. KB on November 8, 2014 at 10:53 pm

    A great story!!! Way to go Cheesewhiz. You know how to get what you want. Please don’t tell my dogs your secrets 🙂

    Very clever title.

  3. Malka on November 8, 2014 at 8:11 pm

    oh i’m glad it wasn’t the crate itself! but, a flood WILL get someone’s attention, good planning Cheoah!

  4. Dennis the Vizsla on November 8, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    hello cheoah its dennis the vizsla dog hay nice job enforcing mandatory wurkplayse break time roolz!!! ha ha ok bye

  5. Charlotte Anderson on November 8, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    Cheoah, looks like you have Hu-Dad well in paw. Thanks for the chuckle!

  6. Mom 'n Ice on November 8, 2014 at 4:59 am

    Well, hu-Dad, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go, and any way to get the necessary attention will be used!

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