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After a hike, I often use a picket line to let the dogs rest while I water them down. The end result are pictures like this:
If you were to drive up on the scene, the purpose of the picket line would become abundantly clear as you looked over at a line of dogs:
But, of course, luck did not work that way. We had just finished loading the dogs into the jeep which was parked across the parking lot from this patch of grass, about 25 feet away. Up the road pulls a park ranger. A park ranger we had never met before.
Believe it or not, we know most of the rangers. Because of funding, there are actually very few of them and, surprisingly, they tend to remember six Siberians. Shocking, I know. But this ranger we had never met. Maybe he is new this season. Who knows? Regardless, as he came around the corner, he did not see the jeep because the dogs were, of course, all laying down sleepy. What he saw was me standing in the middle of this grassy area coiling a cable. He stopped. Rolled down the window. “What are you doing?” Pleasant, but firm. Law enforcement firm.
“Dog drop.” Made sense to me.
“Excuse me?” Didn’t make any sense to him.
“A dog drop line. You know, a picket line.” Clear?
“A what?” Not clear. He looked about ready to get out of the vehicle.
Fearing that he thought I was being evasive, I tried to be clear. “It is a dog drop line, like a tie out for multiple dogs. We use it when we get off the trail.” He is looking at me blankly and only then does it dawn on me that he does not see any dogs. They have picked this exact moment to be invisible. “Over there, in the jeep.”
He glances over and, bless them, a couple of them raise their heads up and look out.
The ranger smiles. “Have a great day.” He drives on.
Whew. You were worried about me, weren’t you Herd?
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Ordinary Goodness
February 26, 2025
An airplane crash. The plane came to rest upside down. The passengers hung from their seatbelts. And then came the ordinary goodness.
Wroo, that was furry funny! And way to go, Herd, for letting the human sweat a bit before popping your heads up to help!
LOL… that’s funny, how sweet that a couple of them put their heads up to help. Like saying we are over here… 🙂
Holly & Zac…XX
It’s a good thing the Herd came to your rescue. I’m sure they just wanted to make sure you didn’t get arrested and could serve them dinner.
Hello there, I have seen you around but I just now figured out how to use you web site. sometimes it takes mom a while. hope you will stop by some time and say hi. =)
I can just imagine what that ranger was thinking!
Huffle Mawson
Woo made us laugh so hard……that would have been fury fury funny to watch! I’m sure he’ll remember woo next time!
We are wondering if woo can help us…..our Momma is thinking about getting one of those cute little puppers that have been appearing lots on our blog lately. She picked out a name over two years ago when she was considering getting another puppy. The name is KODIAK! We would like to know if The Thundering Herd’s KODIAK would like to have the little pupper named after him? We would alos like to know how Cheoah and Qannik are pronounced as we’re not too sure.
Woo Woos
Team Husky
I’m sure he will remember you next time! 🙂 Who can forget six beautiful Siberians! My mom’s dream is to have her own pack of Sibes! 🙂
Surprised he even bothered to ask what you were doing and didn’t just tell you to hit the ground. Bet the pups laughed all the way home:-)
Tail wags, the OP Pack
A herd of Sibes would be hard to forget! Someday, if we move to somewhere that doesn’t have restrictions, Momma would love to have a herd of Tervs.
Princess Eva
You’d think they’d brief the new guy up on the park’s most important visitors!!!
Tail wags,
Well if he hadn’t met woo yet, we’re pretty sure he’d at last heard about woo!
Woo don’t run across a Siberian six-pack effurry day on the job!
Woos & a-roos to yous!
Star & Jack a-roo
Wooo! That sounds scary. I’m sure that the herd would have done a good demonstration or the line, if necessary. Or they might have tried a big, kissy, love fest. ..hmmm. I think this guy will remember you if he sees you all again. If not, then he’s not a very bright human.
Yes, they know they khan put hiking shoes on a hooman but that doesn’t mean they khan take woo out!
PeeEssWoo: I khan’t imagine they would remember SIX Siberians! HaRoooooo!