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We have told you before about Natasha’s fascination with little dogs, big dogs (horses) and big dogs with horns (a beautiful buck deer). We are out on another S-RV excursion at Big Ridge State Park and went walking the dogs this morning to the Norton Grist Mill, which is a replica of a grist mill that was in the way of the TVA development of Norris Lake:
Suddenly, Kiska and Natasha alerted on something across the way:
Whoa, big sister, look at that!
So what did The Herd see that had their attention so much? These guys out for breakfast in one of the ranger’s yards:
Much to their disappointment, I would not let The Herd go play with their new found friends, so Natasha had to be content with watching them bound through the woods.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
We went for a hike last summer in Eastern Washington and we saw some deer. We both really wanted to chase it, but those darn leashes always keep us from having fun.
Hi Mr. Wall,
Thanks for visiting:) I hope you are right (and you must be, for you seem to be a very sensible human being.) These two are keeping quite busy with this new idea of theirs so we should be seeing it materialize shortly. I’ll keep you updated:)
About the herd – what kind of dogs were they? The ones that spell their names with and -eer – right? They’ve got an attitude…it’s good that you didn’t allow Natasha to associate with them:)
Licks n wags,
And look at how the pack came to attention!!! We had a couple of those big funny dogs go bounding through our back yards last year. They sure can leap high and fast!!! Mom says they can be pretty rough with their paws, but she called them hooves.???
Tail wags, the OP Pack
And happy valentine’s day!
You get to have all the great adventures.
Huffle Mawson
Happy Valentine’s Day to each of you!
Too bad you couldn’t get closer to give them a special v-day smooch.
Princess Eva & Brice
WOWZERS! Look at those funny dogs!!! I’ll bet they smelled all KINDS of interesting!
Happy Valentine’s Day! (Especially to the babes in the Thundering Herd!)
Play bows,
Awesome trip Thundering Herd! We were sniffing around the link to Big Ridge State Park and trying to convince Mom that we need to go hiking there.
I had to show my mallie sisiter Kiley where her kibble came from. Her favorite is “Taste of the Wild roasted Bison and BAMBI” See Kiley? She is also fixated on the big dogs with horns.
I just like to watch them.
Once again, hooooomans sooooo spoil our fun!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of woo!