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I had to stop at my favorite pet supply store yesterday because I had to pick up new fleece crate liners (heaven forbid that The Herd actually just sleep on a blanket – only fleece for their fluffy butts). When I parked the car and got out, I saw a beautiful white Sibe with blue eyes sitting in the back seat of the car beside me. She was sitting their innocently, tail wagging slowly. I said, “Hi, blue eyes,” and her tail really started wagging. I smiled and went inside the store.
Five minutes later, I came out of the store and loaded the crate liners in the car. Still sitting in the back seat wagging her tail, the white sibe stared at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I can never resist.
“Hi, cutie,” I said as I stuck my hand up to the opening in the window (don’t worry, cool day, so the dog was not in any danger at all of heat in the car). She really wagged her tail, sniffed my hand, and then licked it. I rewarded that with some nose scratches as best I could through the window.
Innocent? But she is a Sibe, right? I looked into the back seat. Right behind the drivers seat, the back seat had a hole down to the springs and stuffing was everywhere. The back of the drivers seat also had a hole in it. I don’t think it was all fresh (parked in front of the plate glass windows of the pet store), but its possible. Either way, little miss innocent was clearly devious at her own times.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Wrooo! The Girl is howling right now. She’s not part Sibe, I hope!
Brown dog kisses,
What a good Sibe! I’m sure the car seats did something to deserve it!
Yup – this sounds totally like the work of our very best friend Samantha, waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge. She ate the kitchen wall, floor, sliding glass door, 3 airline crates. But she never ate mom’s car. She just didn’t think it was necessary to leave her home alone! Samantha looked just like Qannik!
Thor and Marco Polo
Ha roo roo roo! “Being a Siberian means never having to say you’re sorry.” Ha roo roo roo!
Tail wags,
Woo Woo Woo!
No wonder Maw makes us travel in our crates. She says to keep us safe. I thinks so we don’t destroy the Sibe-urban.
Husky kisses,
Rut roh, somepuppy was going to be in trouble. ONe of the reasons Mom doesn’t like to leave us in the car alone – never can tell she says.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, woo are right, Qannik and Dakota could definitely be twins.
I think Meeshka needes to pawmit us to hand out HONOURARY HULA certifikhates when we see such GREAT akhts of Siberian Khraftwork!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says that was khool your human was in Philadelphia this week! Even if the days weren’t THE DAYS!