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As promised on Monday (ok, so I am a little slow sometimes), I want to tell you about Wolf Rock. On the trail to the top of Craggy Pinnacle, there is a switchback in the trail that circles a large rock outcropping. But as you are approaching it on the uphill stretch, you are surrounded by the Catawba Rhododendron. At this point, the Rhododendron are about 8 feet tall and trimmed so you are walking through a tunnel of Rhododendron – in full bloom in June.
So you round a bend in the trail and, suddenly, the Rhododendron open up to reveal Wolf Rock. Why do I call it that? Because one day, we were sitting on the Rock and a young girl came around the corner, looked up, and shouted, “Daddy, Daddy, there are wolves on the rock.” Her father called out to stop teasing him and he stepped into the opening, looked up, and the color drained from his face. I had to assure him they were not wolves.
Ever since that day, when we sit on the rock, at least one person is surprised as they come around the corner and see wolves sitting on the rock. Thus, Wolf Rock.
So here is a picture of half of the Herd posing nicely on Wolf Rock.
I really wanted to show you a picture without zooming in so that you got the full effect. Clearly, the Herd has been studying the SZK School of Siberian Studies Cooperating for Photos Class. See:
Natasha had apparently found a really cool bug. And just as I got everyone looking forward, Kiska and Natasha decided to look in opposite directions. And, Qannik, who was looking forward, was blocked by Kiska’s nose.
Oh well, take the first well posed picture with the second and third view of the rock and you get the idea. Hardly frightening in these pictures, huh?
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
It cracks me up everytime a person thinks a sibe is a wolf. as if!